Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 34

Case Study Example The GP refers Daphne to a geriatrician for a comprehensive geriatric assessment. Before the assessment is undertaken, Daphne falls heavily in the shower and fractures her hip. Timothy contacts Jonathon, who calls an ambulance and after assessing Daphne the paramedics transfer her to hospital. Following surgery Daphne spends a month mobilising in the rehabilitation ward before being transferred to the sub-acute Transitional Care Unit. Here she is assessed for continuing transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) and for further signs of cognitive impairment and memory loss. At the multidisciplinary team case conference it is decided that, due to Daphne’s increasing frailty and cognitive decline, her discharge planning will include an ACAT Assessment for high level care in a Residential Aged Care Facility (RACF). As Daphne’s Enduring Guardian and Power of Attorney, Timothy is contacted to participate in a family case conference with the multidisciplinary team, consisting of a geriatrician, resident medical officer (RMO), physiotherapist, occupational therapi st, dietician, social worker, and a transitional unit registered nurse responsible for discharge planning. Q1: In your allocated role as part of the HOSPITAL multidisciplinary team in the case conference, what are the issues you need to consider in order for Daphne to be admitted to residential care? - 150 words As an occupational therapist, my role is to assess the home environment to make recommendations for residential care. The ability that Daphne has to look after herself needs to be taken into account, as someone who is unable to carry out daily life without significant help may require admission into residential care. As part of the hospital-based team, I would also consider what type of residential care that Daphne might need – some residential care homes offer

Monday, February 3, 2020

Issac Newton(Scientist) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Issac Newton(Scientist) - Essay Example When he was sixteen, his mother, who had become widowed once again, pulled her son from school in the hopes of turning him into a farmer. Newton detested farming, preferring to spend his time in the confines of his books. Fortunately, the master at the school that Newton attended convinced his mother to allow Newton to finish his education. He became the top-ranked student of his year, and in June 1661, he was admitted to Trinity College in Cambridge, where he studied advanced philosophy and the works of many renowned astronomers (Dolnick 18). The courses that he took influenced not only the rest of his educational years, but his future career as well, making many contributions to mathematics and space sciences. In regard to his contributions to mathematics, Newton discovered the binomial theorem, as well as began to form a mathematical theory that would eventually become what it now known as infinitesimal calculus. Not too long after these discoveries and developments, the school th at Newton attended closed down in an attempt to protect teachers and students from the Great Plague. The private studies that he tended to at home showed more development than they had while Newton was physically attending school. During his independent studies, Newton further developed his calculus theories, as well as theories of optics and the law of gravitation. Newton published many books about his mathematical theories, but then decided to focus more on mathematics in regard to space. After his education, Newton lectured on optics, focusing primarily on the refraction of light, â€Å"demonstrating that a prism could decompose white light into a spectrum of colours, and that a lens and a second prism could recompose the multicoloured spectrum into white light (Ball 324).† It was also during this that Newton discovered that colored light does not change its properties, regardless of whether or not it was scattered or reflected, which became known as Newton’s theory of color. Wanting to test his theory, Newton built the first refracting telescope to physically display his theory of color. When Newton had penned out and taught all that he could about color and light, and after many successes with publishing and being acknowledged for his works, Newton turned back to his work on celestial mechanics. He focused more specifically on the effect of gravity on the orbits of planets, referring to Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. Newton became even more involved in his work with space sciences at the appearance of a comet, which he used to prove his theory of universal gravitation. This law of universal gravitation reveals that â€Å"every point mass in the universe attracts every other point mass with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses (Brackenridge 36).† Between the universal gravitational law and Kepler’s laws of planetary motion, Newton was able to prove that the Moon has a gravitational attr action to the Earth, which he was then able to apply to the orbits of comets and other celestial objects. Newton also made an impression in the ongoing argument of whether or not the universe was heliocentric (everything orbits around the Sun) or geocentric (the belief that everything orbits around the Earth). This argument had been one that was religiously heated, especially from within the Catholic Church, so a lot of the information in regard to the arguments were based