Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Book Report On The Japanese Tales - 1508 Words

In the Japanese Tales, translated by Royall Tyler, the observation that snakes function as agents of karma is valid. In order to teach this Buddhist theme, snakes can be portrayed with a broad range of abilities and personalities to maintain a system of cosmic justice. Consequently, the imagery of snakes is seen as complex and paradoxical from tale to tale through their ways of delivering justices. However, snakes are not only agents of karma, but can also be agents to teach the consequence of sexual desires. This essay will show the complex characterization of snakes in order to express the consequences for certain behaviors such as dishonesty, lack of devotion to Buddhism, and lust. While snakes are seen as agents of karma in Red Heat, they are also portrayed as a creature with strong vengeful and evil personality toward those who express dishonesty and lack of devotion to Buddhist vows. As illustrated in Red Heat, a pair of monks sets themselves up for karmic repercussions by accepting hospitality from a lustful widow. This gives a chance for the widow to target one of the monks to be her sexual partner, which placed the monk in a situation to commit more misdeeds. The monks’ behavior demonstrates a lack of devotion to protecting their vow to remain in chaste, which was to stay away from sexual interactions with women (Tyler 160). When the sexual pursuit occurred, the monk told the widow, â€Å"If I suddenly break my vow, we’ll suffer† (Tyler 160).Show MoreRelatedEssay on Sayo Masuda’s Autobiography of a Geisha765 Words   |  4 Pagesoriginally written for a memoir competition run by the Japanese magazine Housewifeâ⠂¬â„¢s Companion. Sayo Masuda wrote and submitted her manuscript in hopes of winning the monetary prize offered. She won second place in the competition and came to the attention of an editor who helped her expand her story and publish it as a book. 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